All the news for Production

The 2024 cherry campaign: the ISMEA report on the Italian production


29 Jul 2024

Turning to information on retail sales, partial data (29 April-16 June) from source NielsenIQ indicate for 2024 compared to the previous campaign an increase in volumes (+12.3%) and a more substantial increase in household expenditure (+20.3%).

Fighting the heat in Japan: damage to 20% of production


25 Jul 2024

Yamagata Prefecture accounts for almost 80% of the national cherry production, but this year's harvest is likely to be much lower than expected. The extremely hot weather has produced low quality cherries, unsuitable for shipment.

Michigan raises national sour cherry numbers, while other states record a decline


22 Jul 2024

Nationally, the production forecast for this year is 222,000,000 lbs (100697 t). Lance Honing of the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS) says that much of this figure, about 75 per cent, is due to Michigan.

Cherry production in British Columbia: an example of Canadian success


17 Jul 2024

Since the 1990s, the growth of the Canadian industry has focused mainly on working with foreign countries to conclude agreements for the purchase of our fruit. Canadian cherries are exported to more than 20 countries, including Japan and South Korea.

Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in cherry ripening: the role of ABA


11 Jul 2024

In a recent study, researchers explored how ABA modulates these ripening processes at both genetic and epigenetic levels through RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS).

China on the rise: USDA says 850,000 tonnes will be counted for the 2024-2025 season


11 Jul 2024

Currently, the drought continues in some areas of northern China, including the main producing province, Shandong. However, according to growers in Yantai, the adverse weather will only affect late-ripening cherries.

Anuarios de Mercado 2024: statistics and analysis of the Chilean market in iQonsulting's report


10 Jul 2024

iQonsulting's 'Anuarios de Mercado 2024' report offers an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the global cherry market, providing a meticulous examination of the latest trends, market dynamics and economic factors affecting the Chilean industry.

With freezing problems behind it, Michigan expects a historic cherry yield for the 2024 season


09 Jul 2024

"In Michigan, in particular, producers are looking at the largest harvest since 2018," says Lance Honing, USDA. "The national total number, 355,000 tonnes, could technically be said to be up 30 per cent from last year."

Kashmir (India): serious setback due to weather irregularities


09 Jul 2024

Kashmir's annual cherry production is between 12,000 and 14,000 tonnes. Affected by erratic weather, cherry growers in the middle of the harvest estimate a 30-50% drop in yield compared to last year.

Limited harvest, but still a quality product for British Columbia cherries


05 Jul 2024

"The trees have not had a chance to acclimatise to this cold weather," said Sukhpaul Bal, cherry grower and president of the B.C. Cherry Association. "This is where we have seen a huge reduction in volume due to a rapid change in temperature."