All the news for Production

Shoreline Fruit: innovation and growth of the largest US sour cherry cooperative


04 Jul 2024

International competition, labour shortages and climate change keep growers on their toes. On the bright side, new partnerships and technology, including TikTok, can help offset the challenges growers face.

US season 2024: 355,000 tonnes expected, slight increase over 2023


03 Jul 2024

"The national total number is 355,000 tonnes, technically one could say it is up three-tenths of a percentage point from 2023. But if you exclude Michigan, which was not counted in the total last year, there is a decrease of 5.9 per cent."

Altes Land (Germany): early harvest but quality cherries thanks to covers


03 Jul 2024

'Thanks to the early blossoming this year, the harvest is particularly early,' explains Claus Schliecker, president of Landvolk Niedersachsen. He and his colleagues invest around EUR 120,000 per hectare to cover the cherry trees with rain covers and insect nets.

Rain in Extremadura: 12,000 tonnes of cherries damaged by bad weather


01 Jul 2024

The Union requested an 'urgent meeting' with the regional Ministry of Agriculture and convened a meeting to which the leaders of Mancomunidad, cooperatives, warehouses and other farmers' associations were invited.

Stemilt bets on organic cherries: volume boom in 2024 season


26 Jun 2024

"Organic sweet and dark cherries are up from last year," commented Brianna Shales. "Harvest is underway in Washington State, and we will see increased volume of organic cherries through the end of June for promotions.

France: national production to increase by +10% in 2024


25 Jun 2024

As of 1 June, 2024 production was estimated at 37,000 tonnes, an increase of 10% over the previous year and 21% over the average harvest from 2019 to 2023. The start of the campaign is in line with last year, with bad weather reducing the market supply.

Pollination in the time of cover nets: what fate for bees?


25 Jun 2024

The health and effectiveness of honey bees during pollination were examined in the study conducted in Tasmania, Australia, using bird nets and polyethylene rain covers. Bees were fitted with RFID identification systems and were tagged during two consecutive seasons.

Sage Fruit announces quality and quantity for the 2024 season


21 Jun 2024

Sage Fruit's organic cherries account for about two per cent of the total cherry volume, said Komstadius. "Currently, the volume at the industry level does not seem to be growing, but with organic trends, it is reasonable to think that it will grow in the future."

Northwest cherries: increasing volumes in Washington


19 Jun 2024

"Growers are describing the 2024 Northwest crop as a perfectly average crop of excellent quality cherries," said B.J. Thurlby, president of the Northwest Cherry Growers. Along with the warm weather, volumes are also increasing.

Hungary: early harvest and good quantities with estimates around 12,000 tonnes


18 Jun 2024

"The season is going well," says Peter Kelemen of the Medifruct cooperative, "we are at the beginning of the late harvest and there are still seven to ten days to go until the end of the harvest here in Hungary. The harvest has been much more abundant than in previous years'.