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Alanar (Türkiye) anticipates volume growth of over 1,000 tonnes in 2026


20 Mar 2024

"We expect to harvest 1,000 tonnes in 2026," says Yigit Gokyigit, sales coordinator, "our annual harvest will increase to 1,800 tonnes by 2029. We expect larger sizes, such as 26+ and 28+, from our orchards."

An unusual winter challenges Michigan cherry growers


13 Mar 2024

"We've had warmer weather than normal," says Trish Taylor, marketing manager of Riveridge Produce Marketing, Inc. "The trees are still dormant, but because of this weather, we think we might be a week early this year."

Neuquén (Argentina): 50% growth with record production at 1,600 tonnes

Production Press review

07 Feb 2024

Neuquén holds an important share in Argentina's cherry exports, averaging 22% of the product's total foreign placements. This season's sales will generate foreign currency worth just over USD 4 million.

Patagonian cherries: technology and management to improve quality and reduce losses

Markets Production Press review

24 Jan 2024

Due to their differentiated quality, these cherries obtained the first Denomination of Origin of the province. Furthermore, the cherries produced in Los Antiguos are the last to be harvested in the southern hemisphere, in the period between December and mid-February.

Production collapse in Michigan: eradication of sour cherry plants continues

Tech management Production Press review

23 Jan 2024

According to Michigan grower White, the cherry industry has become a battle. Not only because of price management, but also because of the climate, which has been unfavourable for years. There is also the federal administration, which has not been able to help the growers.

Taking stock of the situation in Chile: an interview with Claudia Soler, Executive Director of the Chilean Fruit Cherries Committee

Markets Production Press review

22 Jan 2024

It is important to note that ours is a mature industry,' says Claudia Soler, 'and Chile is the world's largest cherry exporter and leads the southern hemisphere's exports: more than 96% of the supply with over 400,000 tonnes of shipments in 2022-2023.

Sour cherry crisis: decline of growers in Michigan to only 253 by 2022

Production Press review

19 Jan 2024

According to the US Department of Agriculture, Michigan had 23,000 acres of sour cherries in 2022. The number of growers decreased from 540 in 2006 to 253 in 2022. The number of processors also decreased from 24 in 2011 to 14 in 2023.

South Africa, 2023 is a year to remember

Markets Production

19 Jan 2024

Production in 2022 stood at 2866 tonnes, with 66% marketed fresh in the country and 27% dedicated to exports. According to Agri-Hub/PPCEB data reported by Hortgro, in 2022/2023 Great Britain was worth 58% of exports, the Middle East 23%.

Crop collapse in the USA: growers in the North-East blame climate and supply chain

Markets Production Press review

09 Jan 2024

The overproduction of Californian cherries affected prices, triggering a downward spiral for Northwest cherries as well. The need for increased communication between Californian shippers and the Northwest industry could be a potential solution to avoid further price collapses.

Despite a difficult situation, interest in cherry trees is growing in Romagna

Production Press review

28 Dec 2023

Thanks to the investments made by Apofruit and Agrintesa, according to the latest CIA report, Romagna has almost doubled its cherry tree areas in just 10 years, bucking the national trend and that of its cousins from Vignola.