All the news for Varieties

From Germany to the USA: the KIR™ series exclusively at Brandt's Fruit Trees


24 Jul 2024

‘Our company has been granted exclusive propagation rights in the US for the KIR™ series of sweet cherries,’ reports Kevin Brandt. Three of the most advanced selections have already been branded with the trade names KIR Rosso®, KIR Lamour® and KIR Vulcano®.

A.N.A. Chile® presents the Sweet series as an alternative to early varieties in Chile


10 Jul 2024

Lorena Pinto pointed out that several trials are being conducted in Chile with Sweet Saretta and Sweet Stephany, 'and the calibre we have seen is above 30 and even 32. Moreover, they are self-fertile, so we have solved the pollination problem'.

Exploring Skylar Rae: Rivoira Group's premium cherry


02 Jul 2024

The product will be sold at a premium price, 30% higher than standard cherries. The packaging will include the brand and variety name, Tip Top, accompanied by a targeted communication campaign. A landing in the Italian large-scale retail trade is also planned.

The European landscape of community plant variety rights for cherry trees


26 Jun 2024

The CPVR (Community Plant Variety Rights) system, administered by the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), grants exclusive rights to breeders, encouraging them to invest in the development of new varieties, ultimately benefiting consumers.

The Blacker the Cherry: the abolitionist history of the Black Republican Cherry.


26 Jun 2024

Of all the unusual names for cherries, few have raised as many questions as the Black Republican. The story of the Black Republican cherry begins with Henderson Lewelling, the eldest son of a Quaker family who ran a successful nursery in Iowa in the late 1830s.

Zillazeus: the cherry that challenges Chelan in the early market


25 Jun 2024

Fewel's orchard in Washington has 17 acres of this variety. After proving that it was genetically unique, he patented it in 2019 and hopes to sell it to industry under the trade name 'Zillazeus' (commonly abbreviated 'Zeus', it is patented as TF 7142).

Sour cherry varieties of Greek origin


24 Jun 2024

In general, it could be said that Greece is deficient in the production and supply of sour cherries. The deterrent factor, which is the high cost of harvesting, can be addressed by modernising the crops. Domestic genetic material is limited to a few varieties.

CITH, new bi-coloured cherry varieties from India


17 Jun 2024

ICAR - Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture Kashmir (India) has identified and collected variability from the century-old varieties Biggareau Napoleon, Bigarreau Noir Grossa, Guigne Noir Hative. Currently, the institute has a germplasm bank with 30 genotypes of cherries.

Puglia region (IT) invests in cherry varietal innovation


07 Jun 2024

New cherry varieties resilient to climate change were the focus of an interesting episode by Agrilinea TV. In this episode Sauro Angelini, CEO of Agrilinea, interviewed Giacomo Patruno, Luca Fortunato and Marinella Cisternino.

Optimising plant material in the nursery to improve varietal innovation


30 May 2024

Jacob Marsal, research director of Viveros Ebros, explains in this interview how to face the future of variety development, explaining the main demands of customers and giving an overview of the stone fruit season in the Ribera d'Ebre region.