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Limits and potential of stalkless cherries

Post-harvest​ Production Varieties

18 Sep 2023

Manual harvesting of stalkless cherries reduces the time by 40-45% compared to manual harvesting of traditional cultivars; stalkless cherries are cultivars whose FRF value, when ripe, is 200-300 g compared to 450-900 for 'normal' cultivars.

How the seasonality of consumption affects the environmental performance of fruit supply chains: the case of cherries in China

Consumption Production

07 Sep 2023

Several conclusions can be drawn: of great importance is the efficiency of orchard management, the impact of which on total emissions is still significant. In the distribution phase, low-impact transport systems, such as those by sea, should undoubtedly be favoured.

Cherry crop increases in Türkiye while export tops 75.000 tons in 2023

Consumption Markets Production

30 Aug 2023

The total cherry production forecast in Türkiye in Marketing Year 2023/24 is 900,000 metric tons, which is 8% higher than MY 2022/23, due to favorable weather and soil conditions. As of early August 2023, cherry exports have reached 75,000 MT, on track to surpass the previous MY.

Maurizio Vezzali farm: the look of tradition towards the future


18 Aug 2023

Maurizio Vezzali farm is a farm located in the province of Modena (Italy) that manages over 40 hectares, of which 25 hectares are entirely dedicated to the production of cherries. The owner of the company, Maurizio, spoke for Cherry Times.

Giovanni Quercia company, how the Sweet series works in Bisceglie (Apulia)


11 Aug 2023

The Giovanni Quercia company is a family-run business located in Bisceglie (Bari). The business manages a total of 120 hectares, of which 15 are entirely dedicated to cherry production. For Cherry Times, company owner Giovanni Quercia spoke.

A US research center produces 83% of the cherries in the state of Michigan


28 Jul 2023

The Northwest Michigan Horticulture Research Center, is a research centre responsible for a cherry orchard of well over 130 hectares with a production of over 2000 tonnes of cherries per year. This number constitutes 83% of the cherry production of the entire state of Michigan.

Boni Silvano and Ezio: between varietal assortment and family management


21 Jul 2023

The Boni Silvano and Ezio farm is a family-run business located in the municipality of Affi (Verona, Italy), near Lake Garda. The farm has 5 hectares of cherry production, divided between early, medium and late varieties, with a production exceeding 40 tonnes per year.

With biodynamic Apofruit hits the formula between taste and sustainability


07 Jul 2023

Enzo Trapani and his wife Simonetta have developed, together with Apofruit and Almaverde Bio, a cherry orchard entirely dedicated to biodynamic production, which covers 12 hectares and yields more than 50 tonnes per year.

Ripa di Sotto: tradition and innovation


30 Jun 2023

Ripa di Sotto is a monocultural company specialising in the cultivation of cherries, located in Vignola. The company cultivates 17 hectares, with an average production of around 130-150 tons per year, which is above the average in the area.

Greenhouse farming technology and production of sweet cherries in greenhouses: a Chinese perspective

Covers Events Production

26 May 2023

Dr. Hui Zhao addresses the topic of greenhouse cultivation in the Chinese area of Dalian. This area is located in Liaodong Peninsula and is characterized by a continental climate with cold winters and hot, rainy summers.