All the news for Production

German cherry harvest: an early start between frost and rain


14 Jun 2024

'There is almost nothing to harvest,' says Joachim Lissner, general manager of the state horticultural association. With the April frost, the flowers and some fruit froze. The Thuringian farms could therefore only harvest 10-15% of the crop.

A family business in Washington has been growing cherries for more than 100 years


12 Jun 2024

In the town of Orondo, Griggs Farms covers almost 300 hectares of land. Among the varieties of cherries that grow on the farm is the Orondo Ruby, a Washington variety that is sweeter and more acidic than the Rainier and stays fresh longer than the Bing.

Nature's Candy and XXL Cherries are the successful programmes of the US group CMI Orchards


06 Jun 2024

‘Nature's Candy and the jumbo cherry programme, XXL Cherries, guarantee something for every buyer,’ said Joel Hewitt. ‘Our goal remains to provide cherries of exceptional flavour and size, ensuring repeat business.

Sierra (Spain) cherry crisis: less and less quantity and insufficient labour


06 Jun 2024

‘Agriculture is disappearing in Sierra,’ warns Inocencio Manuel Sánchez vice-president in charge of the Cepeda cooperative and points out that it can become problematic for a small producer or cooperative to be able to sell, for example, cherries.

High quality and excellent sizes are what to expect for the Turkish season


05 Jun 2024

‘Although we have lost important volumes, we expect to have good quality and larger cherries than in previous years,’ says Yigit Gokyigit, of Alanar Fruit. ‘We will be able to harvest up to 400 tonnes of cherries from our orchards.

Organic cherries: early delay in California, but higher volumes and quality by 2023


05 Jun 2024

Catherine Gipe-Stewart, marketing director of Domex Superfresh Growers, reported that larger fruit is expected this season, with a longer harvest time than in 2023, due to the more favourable temperatures and growing conditions.

Transition of the season from California to Washington: details from Stemilt Growers


05 Jun 2024

‘Stemilt has the longest season in the industry, with a continuous daily supply that starts with the California cherry harvest in late April and goes all the way up to the high altitude cherries in Washington in August,’ said Brianna Shales, marketing director.

Low consumption, sustainable cultivation and high profitability: the pillars to rely on in Chile according to the Third International Seminar


04 Jun 2024

‘It is crucial to implement water management measures and promote sustainable practices to ensure long-term sustainability,’ says Víctor Muñoz, ‘actions that will strengthen water security and agricultural productivity and solid support for economic development.

Favourable climate and excellent forecast for Turkish cherry volumes


29 May 2024

According to Alper Kerim, owner of Demir Fresh Fruits, the focus this year will be on the European market: ‘We are able to send large volumes to Europe and transit times are very good for cherries. However, Asian countries remain the biggest buyers.’

Washington retailers encourage promotion of cherries during June peak


28 May 2024

‘This year we have heard that there will be an overlap again,’ says Dan Davis of Washington Fruit Growers. ‘If this is the case, it will favour a transition to Washington, as we will have plenty of volume and good-sized fruit to satisfy the retailers.