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USDA allocates $300 million to improve global demand for US agriculture


14 Jun 2024

"This funding will go to over 60 partner organisations that will help create demand for US agricultural and food exports in high-potential markets around the world," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Falling prices: in Uzbekistan fresh produce fall by 40% in just two years


13 Jun 2024

"The harvest of early varieties this season started about two weeks later than usual," says Farrukh Abdulkhalimov of Frutystan. "However, contrary to expectations, the harvest of late varieties started much earlier than usual".

Tajikistan: cherry harvest volumes down, prices up instead


12 Jun 2024

At the beginning of the flowering, everything promised a big harvest, but the May rains and high humidity caused the fruit to start rotting. This is why cherry prices are higher this year, reaching 30 somoni (€2.60) in the capital.

Sour cherry in Moldova: between risks and opportunities


12 Jun 2024

One of the most important crops in Moldova is the sour cherry. The Moldovan Academy of Economic Studies conducted an analysis of sour cherry production in Moldova including the current status, development trends and international competitiveness in the global market.

Valle del Jerte cherry: after a few seasons with the handbrake on, the focus is on the 2024 season


11 Jun 2024

After a season, that of 2022, characterised by heavy losses, the Jerte-based organisation is pinning all its hopes on this season. ‘We expect an average season between 16,000 and 18,000 tonnes,’ says Monica Tierno, the organisation's general manager.

New market for Gilgit-Baltistan cherries, Pakistan: first shipments to China


10 Jun 2024

On 5 June, six tonnes of fresh cherries were shipped to China in a reefer container. This important milestone marks the beginning of a promising export relationship between Pakistan and China, facilitated by the phytosanitary agreement signed between the two countries in 2022.

Expansion of target markets and strategic planning: these are the keys to Chilean expansion


03 Jun 2024

‘Reducing the risk of having one-brand market practices with China and not abusing the “peak” period is crucial for the future,’ says Luis Ahumada, director of Grupo Los Olmos, ‘where opening up to other Asian countries, including India, looks like an opportunity.

France: price swing due to the market and the fight against Drosophila suzukii


03 Jun 2024

‘It cannot be said that prices are soaring. Drosophila suzukii has destroyed many volumes, accentuating this phenomenon,' explains Jérémie Becciu. If prices were quite high at the beginning of the season, they are now quite reasonable: between EUR 2.5 and EUR 4 per kilo.

Market saturation and unstable quality undermine Chinese production


31 May 2024

The increase in production has also made it difficult for domestic cherries to maintain high prices. According to reports, China's production of sweet cherries is expected to reach 760,000 tonnes in 2024, an increase of 12 per cent from the previous year.

Delays on the season in Uzbekistan could have a decisive impact on the market for the 2024 season


31 May 2024

Traditionally, the cherry season in Uzbekistan ended in mid-June, but in 2024 it will start as soon as the last week of May. This could create problems for exports because even in Ukraine, local cherries are already being actively harvested and sold.