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In China, Chilean cherries are also bought on social media

Consumption Markets Press review

24 Jan 2024

Importers expanded their sales network through streaming services, hiring broadcasting companies and influencers with a high audience. This season, Chile expects to export a total of 81,477,564 boxes to China.

Strong demand ahead of Chinese New Year as Guangzhou unloads 200 containers of Chilean cherries a day


23 Jan 2024

Chilean exporter Valle Maule is strengthening its position as an exporter of cherries to China. Cherry Times interviewed Oscar Loyola, Valle Maule's sales manager, who has been presiding over the Chinese market in recent weeks.

Taking stock of the situation in Chile: an interview with Claudia Soler, Executive Director of the Chilean Fruit Cherries Committee

Markets Production Press review

22 Jan 2024

It is important to note that ours is a mature industry,' says Claudia Soler, 'and Chile is the world's largest cherry exporter and leads the southern hemisphere's exports: more than 96% of the supply with over 400,000 tonnes of shipments in 2022-2023.

South Africa, 2023 is a year to remember

Markets Production

19 Jan 2024

Production in 2022 stood at 2866 tonnes, with 66% marketed fresh in the country and 27% dedicated to exports. According to Agri-Hub/PPCEB data reported by Hortgro, in 2022/2023 Great Britain was worth 58% of exports, the Middle East 23%.

Downward forecast for Chile: -30% volume compared to the previous season

Markets Press review

18 Jan 2024

Supplies have decreased, explains Evan Myers, CEO of Forever Fresh. Chile has shipped about 3.3 million crates to the US. So far, about 1.8 million crates have arrived and the total projection for this season is about 2.3 million.

Argentina drive: increased volumes and market recovery after the climatic problems of recent seasons

Markets Press review

16 Jan 2024

Aníbal Caminiti confirmed that the strategy is aimed at fruit that arrives later in the markets. He also recalled that the strategies of the Argentinian industry have to coexist with the strong presence of Chilean cherries, not only in China but in all markets.

Teno Pack leads the first processing line in 2023, but much attention to the fruit fly

Markets Press review

11 Jan 2024

The operation by Teno Group, which started on 23 October, processed and packed around 300 tonnes of fruit during the month and a half that the operation lasted. However, the presence of fruit flies prevented aerial shipments of cherries to China in November.

Export focus: 63% of Tasmanian cherry exports will go to Asia

Markets Press review

10 Jan 2024

For the 2023/24 season project the total production of Tasmanian cherries to hit approximately 4,300 tons, with an anticipated export volume of around 2,000 tons. Growers express confidence in a 15-20% upswing in export volume compared to the preceding season.

Crop collapse in the USA: growers in the North-East blame climate and supply chain

Markets Production Press review

09 Jan 2024

The overproduction of Californian cherries affected prices, triggering a downward spiral for Northwest cherries as well. The need for increased communication between Californian shippers and the Northwest industry could be a potential solution to avoid further price collapses.

New Zealand boosts export campaign in Asia: excellent demand and online sales

Markets Press review

03 Jan 2024

The Chinese market, says Sharon Kirk of Southern Fruits International, has shown more interest in 26mm fruit and 1kg boxes this year. So far there has been very good demand and the fruit will continue to be available for purchase online throughout the season.