Expansion of sweet cherry cultivation in China: identifying suitable areas with a model

Planting systems

28 Oct 2024

A recent study, based on the use of the MaxEnt model, has enabled Chinese researchers to predict potentially suitable areas for the cultivation of this species in China, identifying key environmental factors that influence its distribution. The MaxEnt model proved effective.

South African cherries are ready to grow again


28 Oct 2024

'South Africa has an earlier season than Chile, and the long-standing relationships with the trade established through the marketing of our apples and pears give us an excellent entry point,' said Calla du Toit of Tru-Cape Fruit Marketing.

Effects of cold-hot interaction patterns on cherry trees phenology

Tech management

25 Oct 2024

As a result of projected climate changes, several areas in the world have experienced colder winters than usual. This has sparked interest in applying models based on the concept of cold/heat interaction to explain the effect of these changes.

Early and high density harvests: the impact of the UFO system in New Zealand


25 Oct 2024

In New Zealand, Central Otago meets most of the conditions, followed by Marlborough and perhaps Hawkes Bay and Canterbury. However, other important factors to consider are the distance from international and national markets and the possibility of extending the harvest season.

From Argentina an intelligent cherry to protect the quality of the harvest


25 Oct 2024

“To reduce as much as possible the damage sustained by the cherry during packaging and final transport we developed an electronic cherry with sensors that go through the processes alongside the rest and report the movements and impacts the fruit receives” said Andrés Moltoni.

Determination of the relationship between 'Staccato' cherry fruit storage quality and mineral nutrition


24 Oct 2024

Thirty-two ‘Staccato’ plots located in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia were selected, representing a range of growing conditions in the BC interior. Thirty-one of the blocks were on Mazzard rootstock and one on Colt rootstock.

Magnesium and potassium for increased fruit quality

Tech management

24 Oct 2024

The focus of the study conducted at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain) and the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal) was to evaluate the effects of foliar application of magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) on fruit quality parameters.

Tips on monitoring and control of Botrytis and brown rot in sweet cherry trees

Crop protection

24 Oct 2024

An effective spray program for downy mildew and brown rot involves a combined approach of protective cover sprays and curative fungicides, as needed, from bud burst to flowering and through to harvest, depending on weather conditions and disease pressure.

Promising new cherry early varieties for the Ovalle area


24 Oct 2024

Yesterday ANA Chile®, along with growers, nurserymen, and exporters, visited several orchards in Ovalle, showcasing Nimba cv. and Nipama cherries in the field, among other early varieties under trial. The cherry varieties pleasantly surprised with their excellent performance.

Promising start to the season in Mendoza (Argentina), good volumes and excellent quality


23 Oct 2024

‘After a winter that was generous with cold hours,’ says Nicolás Güizzo, the company's technical director, ’and a thermal build-up that gave us spring days, we are excited to start a new season with more volume and excellent quality.