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Boron stimulates fruit formation and reprograms the development metabolism

Tech management

05 Oct 2023

In Prunus species, it forms complexes with sorbitol and fructose, which allow it to move through the phloem. During the initial growth phase, fruits exposed to boron exhibited a lower presence of heat shock proteins.

The effects of thinning impact fruit quality and can increase sugar and anthocyanin content

Tech management Quality

02 Oct 2023

In addition to influencing the distribution of assimilates, the removal of a portion of spurs during the dormant period improves the distribution of assimilates among a smaller number of fruits, thus facilitating a more harmonious relationship between growth and fruiting.

An insight into Regina's challenges according to Juan Pablo Zoffoli

Tech management Post-harvest​ Press review Varieties

25 Sep 2023

Is a solution possible? The expert is optimistic and has already taken an important step by defining that one of the important variables affecting post-harvest sensitivity is maturity and therefore its monitoring. But this is not the only challenge.

Oxygenation reduces cherry rootstock damage from waterlogging

Tech management Quality

20 Sep 2023

Among five cultivars tested, 'Gisela 12' and 'Colt' were the most sensitive and tolerant to waterlogging, respectively. The results showed that oxygenation successfully mitigated the effects of waterlogging stress on cherry rootstocks.

The possible roles of nitrogen and phosphorus supply against internal fruit browning

Tech management

06 Sep 2023

A phosphorus deficiency has been found to have a positive impact on antioxidant activity and phenol composition. At the same time, however, it leads to an increase in the activity of respiration rates, resulting in a decrease in conservation potential.

Nitrogen fertilisation: studies show that the important thing is not to overdo it!

Crop protection Tech management

05 Sep 2023

In conclusion, the results indicate that 60 kg of nitrogen per hectare is the best dose to provide adequate nutrition for sour cherry trees. Nitrogen supply increased its presence in leaves, while it decreased phosphorus and potassium concentrations.

Cold hardiness estimation models can help farmers to prevent frost damage

Tech management

31 Aug 2023

The primary aim of the present investigation was to construct predictive models for determining the lethal temperature thresholds (resulting in 10%, 50%, and 90% death rates) for two distinct cultivars of sweet cherry flower buds, during the autumn and winter period.

Costs and profitability of High-Density and Ultra-High-Density cherry plantations in Wasco County (USA)

Tech management

25 Aug 2023

One of the most topical issues in modern cerasiculture is undoubtedly that of comparing plants with different densities. Increased density leads to higher initial costs and a shorter productive life span of the plants, two factors with a high impact on production costs.

Michigan growers used for the first time a customized blueberry harvester for tart cherry harvest season

Tech management

22 Aug 2023

Oxley Farms, helmed by Ed, Chris, and Rick Oxley, operates a 250-acre tart cherry orchard in Lawton, Michigan. They embarked on the creation of a unique machine, drawing inspiration from harvesters used in grape, blueberry, cherry, and coffee production.

German study reveals how to increase fruit set through synergy between mason bees and honeybees

Tech management

17 Aug 2023

This study examined the relationship between stocking rates and honeybee and mason bee abundance in 17 sweet cherry orchards in central Germany. Also, an experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of mason bees and honeybees on fruit set of sweet cherry trees.