All the news for Tech management

Salt stress can be alleviated through the application of salicylic acid

Tech management

26 Aug 2024

The investigation conducted at Shanghai Jiao Tong University evaluated the efficacy of salicylic acid in mitigating the damaging effects of salt stress on cherry rootstocks and studied the molecular mechanisms behind the applications of this phytohormone.

Multispectral photogrammetry: studying the effect of biostimulant treatments on cherry quality

Tech management

23 Aug 2024

The inclusion of remote sensing as a variable has been decisive in the evaluation of product or management trials. The wealth of information available, scheduling and geostatistics make it possible to accurately assess the effectiveness of treatments and programmes.

Utah tart cherries: a $7.9 million economic pillar

Tech management

22 Aug 2024

A survey of 384 adults found that consumers increasingly prioritise local produce. Consumers believe that local produce is fresher, tastier and of higher quality than fruit that is transported and stored for long periods.

Sweet cherry: fruit quality begins with pollination

Tech management

09 Aug 2024

Data from one study show that the fruit set percentage of the artificially pollinated flowers was only 1.1 per cent, compared to 15.4 per cent for the freely pollinated flowers. Furthermore, cherries from the freely pollinated flowers showed superior quality attributes.

Root/plant physiology under abiotic stress conditions

Tech management

08 Aug 2024

If we define plant health as a function of primary (growth) and secondary (defence) metabolisms, both share a common pool of cellular energy (CE). The presence of abiotic stress will shift the CE budget, from growth kinetic model to one that is focused on defence mechanism.

What strategies for modern fruit rot control?

Tech management

07 Aug 2024

They noticed this during the last few seasons in Chile, in which dry and humid years alternated. What was seen was that during dry springs Alternaria dominates, while when springs are wet, Botrytis is the predominant pathogen.

Assessing root architecture with radar and artificial intelligence

Tech management

06 Aug 2024

A study at the University of Michigan (USA) analysed the roots of orchard trees in full production using an 800 MHz GPR antenna. The resulting images were processed with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to extract root patterns.

Real-time data: how Cherries Tasmania Orchards optimises harvesting with AgPick

Tech management

05 Aug 2024

A detailed dashboard captures and uploads information in real time. AgPick promotes traceability by informing growers who has harvested their fruit, who is leading production and what quality problems can be attributed to the pickers.

Infection courts of canker pathogens in sweet cherry

Tech management

02 Aug 2024

The study by a California team investigated potential infection points in five cerasites located in three different areas of California to assess the incidence of these pathogens in symptomatic shoots, fruiting darts and wood under pruning wounds.

The importance of energy efficiency for sustainable cherry production

Tech management

31 Jul 2024

The investigation by Çukurova University and the Bursa Provincial Directorate of Agriculture (Turkey) was to verify the energy yield of the product, the total cost/profit values and the amount of CO2 emissions of sweet cherry cultivation.