Danese, a Hydrocooling System directly in the field

Post-harvest​ Quality

03 Nov 2023

The Veneto-based group, which has been involved in cold management for more than 35 years, is working on eliminating the time between the cherry's detachment from the plant and the moment when the temperature is lowered, with the 'Danese Hydrocooling System'.

New tests for Bloom Fresh: new trials in Chile, Peru and Brazil for early and low-chill requirement varieties

Breeding Production Varieties

02 Nov 2023

They will invest in tests in Arica, a northern region of Chile bordering Peru, and also in Brazil, where a professional, Bloom Fresh, will start exploring alliances to look for areas that can produce these fruits.

Sour cherry breeding in Poland: insights from an ongoing evolution

Breeding Production

01 Nov 2023

Among the cultivars produced by the Institute of Horticulture and Breeding are Wilen, Wilga, Lucyna, Wanda, Koral and Kolia. These new selections demonstrate the Polish institutes' commitment to new solutions that guarantee quality sour cherry production.

Elzbieta Rozpara: Polish sour cherry production and future research trends


31 Oct 2023

Poland is one of the leading fruit producers, with a per capita production of 146 kg of fruit. Among the cultivated species, the production of sour cherries stands out, reaching 183 thousand tonnes in 2022, making it one of the largest producers in the world.

From Spain motion against insurances: the Union of Trade Unions does not accept the proposal for the year 2024

Press review

30 Oct 2023

These proposals, which would affect more than a third of current cherry insurance subscribers, would mean that in the event of a serious loss they would receive no compensation at all, and if the loss reached 100 per cent, they would not be compensated for more than 20 per cent.

What strategies to resist climate change? Álvaro Sepúlveda shares them with us

Crop protection Tech management Markets Quality

27 Oct 2023

Chile experienced a boom in cherry cultivation over the past 20 years. According to ODEPA data, in 2022 the total number of hectares under sweet cherry cultivation was 61,559, in 2004 it was just over 7,000.

An integral approach to improve the efficiency of cherry orchards: the future goes from here

Breeding Events Planting systems

26 Oct 2023

There is a growing interest in planar and Y systems, which can improve light interception and speed up harvesting practices. Currently, it appears that plants grown with the Upright Fruiting Offshoots system have the highest harvest rate (0.81 kg/min).

Radek Vavra. Big fruit size sweet cherry cultivars of Czech origin

Events Varieties

25 Oct 2023

Tamara, Horka, Felicita, Sandra, Irena, and Elza represent a few examples of these diverse variations. All these cultivars are considered to be superior selections, distinguished by their substantial size and deep red skin colour, as well as their commendable fruit quality.

Comparing rootstocks: each one has its own physiological characteristics


24 Oct 2023

The rootstocks obtained by in vitro methods resulted in a higher percentage of plants. The percentage of grafted plants was higher when 'Pi-ku 1' or 'Gisela 5' rootstocks were used, even though the height of the plants was reduced.

New phytosanitary agreements: Northwest cherries establish export with India

Markets Press review

23 Oct 2023

The agreement allows shippers to demonstrate that they follow a seasonal method to keep pests and diseases out of cherry shipments. The new method will mean better quality on the shelves of shops in Indian cities.