Greenhouse farming technology and production of sweet cherries in greenhouses: a Chinese perspective

Covers Events Production

26 May 2023

Dr. Hui Zhao addresses the topic of greenhouse cultivation in the Chinese area of Dalian. This area is located in Liaodong Peninsula and is characterized by a continental climate with cold winters and hot, rainy summers.

Salvi Vivai enlarges its offer with 5 new cherry varieties


23 May 2023

"These are five new-generation varieties,' explains Andrea Bagnolini, Salvi Vivai's Sales Director, 'which we strongly wanted to increase our offer and propose to our growers selections that are more and more performing with respect to their needs.

The new IVU varieties


23 May 2023

Alejandro Navarro Diaz, general manager of IVU - International Varieties Unlimited LLCA presented the new cherry varieties marketed under the MEDA® brand at Macfrut 2023.

CHEERY® the new variety line from IFG


23 May 2023

International Fruit Genetics (IFG) has a genetic improvement programme led by David Cain and Chris Owens in which over 50,000 cherry seedlings have been obtained and evaluated. Seven new cherry cultivars were licensed and patented in 2019.

Cherry Exhibition 2023 at Fortunato Nurseries


23 May 2023

The desire to already look ahead to the next season and evaluate new solutions to overcome the criticalities of the sector is demonstrated by the large number of participants registered at Cherry Exhibition 2023.

The differences between modern 2D and 3D cherry training systems

Planting systems

19 May 2023

In this video, Prof. Lang illustrates the differences between modern 2D and 3D cherry training systems, highlighting the importance of the correct choice of variety and rootstock depending on the training form adopted.

PMGC the new Chilean cherry breeding project


19 May 2023

For Macfrut 2023 it was an honour to host Prof. Marlene Ayala of the Catholic University of Chile, the head of the main genetic improvement project for cherries started in 2010 in Chile..

New life for cherries: the Circ0lare! project


19 May 2023

The project was created to quantify and characterise the cherries of a traditional production area in the hills around Turin and find an outlet for the by-products of the processing industry and the product that cannot be placed on the fresh market.

Cherries rank on top of European consumers' preferences


16 May 2023

As part of the European Breeding Value project, CNR-IBE conducted a multilingual survey of over 900 European consumers to understand their liking of the fruit. The cherry achieved excellent results and was confirmed as one of the most popular fruits.

How end-to-end line solutions for cherry packhouses are improving efficiencies and profitability


16 May 2023

With global demand on the rise and exports increasing, the challenges for the cherry sector are getting tougher. Packaging centres are under pressure as they have to handle higher volumes and have to maintain or improve quality.