Ripa di Sotto: tradition and innovation


30 Jun 2023

Ripa di Sotto is a monocultural company specialising in the cultivation of cherries, located in Vignola. The company cultivates 17 hectares, with an average production of around 130-150 tons per year, which is above the average in the area.

With this year's Final® varieties, Sanifrutta cherry season will end on a high note at the end of July


30 Jun 2023

The four varieties of the Final® series derive from a breeding programme conducted by Peter Stoppel in Kressbronn (Germany). The aim of the project was to obtain new late-ripening varieties, after Regina, to be proposed as possible alternatives to the Canadian varieties.

Farewell to a great cherry expert

27 Jun 2023

For many years Nicola Dallabetta worked at the Agricultural Institute of San Michele all'Adige, now the E. Mach Foundation, and had recently embarked on a new adventure through collaboration with Agromillora.

Reduction of light intercepted by plants affects fruit quality

Tech management

27 Jun 2023

The scientific research we present today was conducted in Sichuan Province (China). Photosynthetic characteristics, physiology and biochemistry of the fruits were analyzed, as well as fruit transcriptome.

Experimentation on new cherry planting systems at FEM

Planting systems

27 Jun 2023

The plants were set up according to the chosen form of cultivation, in comparison with the traditional spindle, starting from one-year old rods. From the analysis of the data collected, some interesting indications for vegetative and productive aspects emerged.

Global cherry retail prices every week


23 Jun 2023

Cherry Times publishes weekly global retail prices, with a report analysing the supply of cherries in 37 online stores in 12 countries on different continents.

The importance of training system for high quality production

Planting systems

23 Jun 2023

The research we are presenting you today was carried out at the University of Tasmania. In this study, the performance of different breeding forms of 'Kordia' grafted on 'Krymsk 5' (semi-dwarfing rootstock) was evaluated.

Italian campaign promotes cherries on-the-go


23 Jun 2023

Ortofrutta Italia has launched a new campaign to promote cherries in Italy, aiming to enhance the fruit and vegetable sector and promote dialogue between all players in the supply chain, with a particular focus on consumers.

Protective effects of anthocyanin-rich Amarena cherry extracts (Rio variety) in cellular and animal models of neurodegeneration


23 Jun 2023

It has been proposed that sour cherries may exert several potentially beneficial effects on health. The neuroprotective potential of the extracts was evaluated using the toxicity induced by the neurotoxin Rotenone (ROT) in a cellular model of Parkinson's disease (PD).

Effect of multifunctional nets on high-density cherry crops


20 Jun 2023

At the IX International Cherry Symposium in Beijing there was much discussion on cherry covers and their impact on fruit growth and quality. Here a summary of the work presented by Andrea Giovannini and the Fruit Tree Ecophysiology group of DISTAL - University of Bologna.