Australia, cherry market expands: domestic consumption up 10%


02 Sep 2024

A recent report prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) predicts that cherry production in Australia for the 2024/25 season will reach 20,000 tons, a volume that reflects an increase compared to the revised estimate of 18,500 tons for the 2023/24 season.

How climate change impacts post-harvest in the cherry tree

Tech management

02 Sep 2024

“In Chilean conditions, these periods of excessive heat coincide with the post-harvest phase when two fundamental processes for the next season's fruit production occur: reserve accumulation and flower differentiation,” warns Luis Espíndola.

The challenges of Italy’s sweet cherry season: a complex year amid rains and decreasing consumption


02 Sep 2024

The sweet cherry supply for 2024 remained in line with the average of the last five seasons, which saw an average production of about 100,000 tons per year. However, 2023 stood out as a negative year, with a production of only 93,000 tons, the lowest value in the last five years.

ANA Chile® exclusively releases new cherry tree pruning video guide

Tech management

30 Aug 2024

ANA Chile® provides you with valuable videos with pruning guidelines by consultant Walter Masman. The videos present pruning guidelines for the production of Sweet Aryana® PA1UNIBO and Nimba both grafted on the Colt rootstock.

North West cherries shine in ‘Cherry Glow’ advertising campaign


30 Aug 2024

The “cherry glow” promotion highlighted the benefits of cherries for health and beauty to boost consumption and movement of Northwest cherries. The promotion was launched across the United States, reaching retailers, media, influencers, and social media users.

From water to quality: challenges and solutions for cherry tree irrigation

Tech management

30 Aug 2024

In central Chile it is common for irrigation management to involve applying large amounts of water between flowering and harvest, but then to arbitrarily reduce the amount or frequency of irrigation after fruit harvest. The lack of data can lead to severely stressed plants.

Genes for resistance to low temperatures and salt stress identified


30 Aug 2024

In a Chinese research three genes that regulate cold shock protein synthesis and named PavCSP were identified and analysed. Quantitative PCR analysis revealed a variety of expression patterns, with PavCSP1-3 showing specific activity in the upper part of the stem.

Pairwise's vision for producing fresh pitless cherries


29 Aug 2024

To achieve year-round production, Pairwise is drawing inspiration from blueberries and working to change the environmental requirements for growing cherries. It took decades of breeding to develop blueberries, but Adams believes that gene editing can help accelerate the process.

USDA: odour research could solve the fight against Drosophila suzukii

Crop protection

29 Aug 2024

By studying the specific odors emitted by infected fruit researchers have identified chemicals that repel the flies when applied to healthy fruit and are developing a slow-release device to disperse these odors in the field, ensuring they do not come in contact with the fruit.

Recent updates on cherry tree management and nutrition

Tech management

29 Aug 2024

When developing a fertilisation programme, it is necessary to determine what nutrients the crop needs and when it needs them. A simple approach is to define the needs of the trees and the crop based on the estimated yield.