Difficulties in Canada: weather events jeopardise the entire 2024 season

Press review

14 Feb 2024

The B.C. Cherry Association says last month's polar vortex led to a meeting of members declaring that they would meet with provincial and federal government officials to discuss the situation the industry is facing.

New dehydration techniques of sour cherries for high-quality product


14 Feb 2024

Products underwent quality assessment through the utilisation of non-destructive image analysis, colour measurements, and sensory analysis, which incorporated both non-destructive and destructive evaluation of attributes.

Collecting data on varietal behaviour will be crucial for Chilean research according to Álvaro Sepúlveda

Tech management Press review

13 Feb 2024

Thanks to regional funds granted by the Maule Regional Government, it was possible to formalise a research project to find out how the varieties were responding to a much-changed climate in the central zone, which generated a lot of uncertainty this season.

Pruning time, a crucial moment in determining the yield of the cherry orchard

Tech management

12 Feb 2024

Research in Moldova evaluated the impact of pruning date on fructification in cv. Kordia and Regina grafted on MaxMa 14. In Regina, 6.1% and 12.2% higher production was found when pruning was performed in July and early September.

China imports: over 500,000 tonnes from Chile, but the star remains the cherry

Markets Press review

08 Feb 2024

According to data from Frutas de Chile, Chile sent 598,362 tonnes of fruit to China in the 2022-2023 season, consolidating its position as the second largest destination country, with cherries accounting for 71% of total exports to China.

Neuquén (Argentina): 50% growth with record production at 1,600 tonnes

Production Press review

07 Feb 2024

Neuquén holds an important share in Argentina's cherry exports, averaging 22% of the product's total foreign placements. This season's sales will generate foreign currency worth just over USD 4 million.

US crisis continues: Department of Agriculture indicates losses close to 50% in the Washington area in 2023

Press review

06 Feb 2024

Sweet cherry growers in central and eastern Washington faced devastating challenges throughout the 2023 season. Unusual weather patterns caused growers losses of more than 50%, according to the United State Department of Agriculture.

Chinese market: more than 8,300 tonnes imported from Chile in less than a month, according to a report

Markets Press review

05 Feb 2024

Dongjiang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone reached an agreement with Tianjin Port Group Logistics Co. Ltd. and the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association. Since 16 January, 8,300 tonnes of cherries have arrived at the port of Tianjin to supply the northern markets.

Engineering of cherry rootstocks to increase virus resistance


05 Feb 2024

Regarding rootstocks, one of the most promising approaches to increase plant resistance to viruses is post-transcriptional gene silencing, which employs RNA interference (RNAi) to prevent pathogenicity and virus replication.

Birds: what if they were also allies in integrated pest management strategies?

Crop protection

02 Feb 2024

Birds, a threat to crops or friends for integrated pest management strategies? At the 'Stone Fruit Day' organised by Washington State University, the focus was on the role of birds in agriculture, looking at pros and cons of the latest research on the subject.