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Michigan crisis, after sweet cherries also sour cherries suffer losses due to weather


30 Sep 2024

The cherry harvest has been deemed a failure and similar conditions have affected sour cherries. Cherry growers are estimated to have lost 30 to 75 per cent of their crop this year. Governor Gretchen Whitmer asked for federal assistance to the growers.

The importance of vapour pressure deficit (DPV) in post-harvest dehydration


30 Sep 2024

The VPD measures the difference between the vapor pressure of the air and that on the surface of the fruit, indicating the air's ability to absorb moisture. A high VPD indicates that the air can absorb more moisture, which could lead to further dehydration.

What strategies to apply against Drosophila suzukii during the 2024/2025 season?

Crop protection

30 Sep 2024

Numerous studies in the USA and Argentina have shown that the insect tends to abandon orchards during certain times of the year, taking refuge in non-cultivated areas and then returning in the following spring. This behaviour has also been confirmed in Chile.

The 2024/25 season bodes well for Australian cherries


27 Sep 2024

Exports are mainly concentrated from November to March, with a volume for the 2023/24 season estimated at 4,000 tonnes. For the 2024/25 season, exports of fresh cherries are expected to increase to 5,000 tonnes, the second highest ever recorded.

Waimea Nurseries (New Zealand) introduces dwarfing rootstock selections


27 Sep 2024

Gisela® 12 and 6 are currently being grown indoors in tissue culture at the Waimea Nurseries laboratory and are being tested in orchards in Central Otago, including Clyde Orchards and Suncrest Orchard in Cromwell.

Sweet Aryana and Santina compared in Chile


27 Sep 2024

Lorena Pinto Almeida, product manager for Stone Fruits and Cherries at A.N.A. Chile, shares images of the cv. Sweet Aryana (d) PA1UNIBO on the left and Santina on the right, taken on September 11, 2024, in a commercial orchard located in El Huique, Santa Cruz, VI Region, Chile.

Early cherries in Argentina: Royal Lynn harvest starts in September

Tech management

26 Sep 2024

The trial block, located about 50 kilometers from San Salvador de Jujuy, is in a region bordering Bolivia and at the same altitude as the Antofagasta region in Chile, and would provide a microclimate for the production of ultra-early stone fruits in an extreme production zone.

Michigan ready to name cherry as official state fruit


26 Sep 2024

Michigan is one of the world's leading producers. Almost 70% of all cherries grown in the United States come from Michigan. If the new Senate Bill 1003 is passed, cherries will be formally named the official fruit of the State of Michigan.

Cherries and sour cherries are sisters


26 Sep 2024

‘Sour cherries originated in the Caspian and Black Sea regions through the natural crossing of the two parental species of the steppe cherry and the sweet cherry. The exact time, place and structure of the genome have not yet been fully clarified.

A new biodegradable film for sweet cherry packaging


26 Sep 2024

A group of Chinese researchers has developed a biodegradable composite film made from gelatin, pectin, and cellulose nanofibers (CNF), enriched with an antibacterial agent called polyhexamethylene biguanide hydrochloride (PHMB).