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Washington retailers encourage promotion of cherries during June peak


28 May 2024

‘This year we have heard that there will be an overlap again,’ says Dan Davis of Washington Fruit Growers. ‘If this is the case, it will favour a transition to Washington, as we will have plenty of volume and good-sized fruit to satisfy the retailers.

Slow start, but Turkish cherry comes into its own: estimated over 120,000 tonnes of exports


28 May 2024

After a relatively slow start due to warm temperatures, the campaign is about to get into full swing with the arrival of larger volumes of Ziraat 0900. The goal for the season is to reach 120,000 tonnes of exports worth USD 300 million.

Producers and retailers together for early and low-chill varieties at International Cherry Open Day


28 May 2024

To show nurserymen, growers and retailers the varieties, BLOOM FRESH organised the International Cherry Open Day. Forty international participants from Chile, Brazil, Spain, Greece, Italy, UK, South Africa and Australia gathered in Spain.

Early cherry seminar in Ovalle (Chile) to assess future growth and quality


28 May 2024

Ovalle was once again the capital of early cherries. Organised by Susttex, the Cerezas Primores seminar brought together producers, companies, academics and people interested in cherry cultivation in the Coquimbo region for the third year running.

Chilean research evaluates the effects of biostimulants on Santina varieties


27 May 2024

The research evaluated the effect of the product Botan Foliar on fruit production and quality in Santina variety cherry trees grafted on Colt rootstock. Product applications and evaluations were carried out during the spring of the 2023-24 season.

Cherry growers and consumers in Washington continue to focus on the Rainier variety


27 May 2024

The Rainier price remained above $5 per pound. ‘It was the only cherry we made a profit on last year. That's what we count on every year,' said John Griggs Jr. who grows about 200 acres of cherries, half of which are Rainier.

Bad weather in northern Italy, crop damage in the Modena area: up to 50% losses


27 May 2024

Recent storms have severely damaged crops of the emblematic fruit in the Vignola and Savignano areas. According to the producers, 40% to 50% of the cherry production in the Modena area has been compromised.

Apulia region (IT) in trouble due to weather: 50% drop for Ferrovia cherries


27 May 2024

Coldiretti Puglia has denounced this collapse in cherry production and requested the recognition of a state of natural disaster from the Puglia Region. The situation is made even more difficult by rising production costs and the severe drought.

Problems and effective solutions against dehydration of cherries during the cold chain


24 May 2024

One of the main challenges cherries face during the journey is dehydration, which leads to loss of firmness and browning of the pedicel. In addition, the metabolism of the fruit accelerates its senescence, deteriorating the final condition of the fruit.

California: lots of quantity and quality but the challenge is not to overlap with Washington


24 May 2024

Although the season is a few days late, Washington, which is close to cherry production on the West Coast, is early. ‘There is a rush to get into the market before Washington starts producing, which usually reduces the value of the crop.’