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The first season to start is Turkish: high yields and quality are expected


25 Apr 2024

‘We had the first harvest on 13 April and today is the third,’ says Ilyas Coşkuner, a local producer. ‘We are optimistic about both the yield and market prices. The 30 kg of cherries belonging to İlyas Coşkuner were bought at the symbolic price of 500 lira per kg.

Growth in world trade over the last ten years shows over 900,000 tonnes and +266% growth


24 Apr 2024

From 2013 to 2022, world production increased from 2.3 to 2.75 million tonnes, while trade flows rose from 350,000 to 940,000 tonnes, an increase of 266%. The value of traded goods reached a record 4.3 billion euro.

The use of fruit cuticle supplements as a prevention against cracking

Tech management

24 Apr 2024

The supplements help protect the fruit by preventing water absorption by coating the fruit with a hydrophobic layer. These supplements can also be used post-harvest to reduce doubling in the following growing season.

Sammichele di Bari (IT): the turning point for local cherry farming at the 1st National Cherry Tree Conference


23 Apr 2024

The event marked a turning point, offering an opportunity for reflection and discussion among the various actors involved. Mayor Lorenzo Netti emphasised the importance of the cherry as a symbol of the territory, not only economically but also culturally.

Rootstocks to the test, MSU presents 2022 results


23 Apr 2024

Since 2017, the MSU team has been comparing the performance of early dwarfing rootstocks (all from the Corette® series), developed by the university itself, with reference rootstocks Gisela 5, Gisela 12, Gisela 3 (sweet cherry only) and Maxma14.

MAF Roda's new software offers functionality and adaptation for cherry growers


22 Apr 2024

The new cherry quality software for Cherryscan G7 takes into account the specific working environment of cherry growers to fully adapt to their production model, characterised by short seasons and high labour turnover.

PGI Alicante cherries in trouble with a season expecting half the harvest quantities


22 Apr 2024

"This year the forecast is already poor," says Hilario Calabuig president of the Alicante Mountain Cherries PGI Regulatory Council, "although it is still too early for a concrete forecast, we estimate that we will not exceed 50 per cent of a normal harvest.

Chinese study reveals Chinese cherries quality attributes


19 Apr 2024

The description of the composition of Chinese cherry fruits was carried out for the first time in this study, that determined the acid and sugar content of thirty-eight Chinese cherry cultivars, as well as two wild genotypes using the liquid chromatography method (HPLC).

Season 2024: Expectations for the season after an early start


18 Apr 2024

In Apulia they are preparing for an early blossoming, kicking off the 2024 cherry season. According to Maurizio Simone (Doctor Farmer agronomic office), one of the main reasons for this unevenness in flowering could be the lack of cold weather.

Innovation against frost: drones and technology to map temperatures

Tech management

18 Apr 2024

A Washington State University research project aims to map air temperatures on frosty nights with a combination of data from AgWeatherNet's Tier 1 stations, which stand 30 feet high and record temperatures between 1.5 and 9 metres.