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CrackSense is the new project that hopes to solve the cracking problem

Crop protection

10 Aug 2023

The CrackSense project, coordinated by the research institute Volcani Center (Israel), was initiated in 2023. Its ambition is to better understand and predict the complex phenomenon of fruit cracking, a major agronomic problem, at the fruit, tree and plot level.

In its own small way... in cherry orchards, Piedmont invests big!


09 Aug 2023

Piedmont is one of the few Italian regions showing signs of vitality in the cherry sector. In fact, while other regions have been struggling for years to maintain their positions as leading regions, from Piedmont there is renewed interest in the red fruit of paradise. But why?

Sweet cherry cultivars can vary in quality and phytochemical composition depending on elevation.


08 Aug 2023

The objective of this research from the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the American University of Beiruwas to evaluate cherry fruit quality cultivated at different altitudes in Lebanon, with the intention of determining their suitability for fresh consumption.

Drosophila suzukii, mild winter and increased population. Onwards with parasitoid launches

Crop protection

04 Aug 2023

In the January-April period, the monitoring network of the E. Mach Foundation detected catches of Drosophila suzukii up to ten times higher than the average of the last decade. This explains the intensity of the attack recorded on the cherry crop since the last ten days of May.

Henriette*, "the mountain cherry" representing an improvement on Kordia


04 Aug 2023

The Fragsburg farm is located at 700m a.s.l. in the hills above the city of Merano (Bozen). There, in the experimental cherry orchard (about 1.5 ha), different training systems, rootstocks, varieties, and pruning techniques are tested with the purpose of supporting farmers.

An Italy-wide analysis of the costs and problems of modern cherry production

Tech management

04 Aug 2023

Today cherry cultivation involves densities of up to a few thousand plants/ha. Intensification tends to result in earlier entry into production and improved fruit quality, but this is counterbalanced by higher planting costs and a shorter productive life of the plants.

The effect of different doses of indol-3-butyric acid (IBA) on the rooting of cherry rootstocks


01 Aug 2023

The purpose of the study conducted by researchers at the Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute was to examine the impact of different concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on the rooting process of softwood cuttings from potential rootstock candidates

Catania, a promising new cherry variety


01 Aug 2023

When you have a strong passion for your work sometimes a little effort is enough to achieve great results. Cherry Times is pleased to publish Stefano Lugli's interview with Luis Lasarte, Catania's dad.

A US research center produces 83% of the cherries in the state of Michigan


28 Jul 2023

The Northwest Michigan Horticulture Research Center, is a research centre responsible for a cherry orchard of well over 130 hectares with a production of over 2000 tonnes of cherries per year. This number constitutes 83% of the cherry production of the entire state of Michigan.

Applications of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) to reduce cracking

Crop protection

28 Jul 2023

The study conducted by the researchers of the Postharvest Research Group of Fruit and Vegetables (Orihuela, Spain) was to examine the effectiveness of preharvest methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatments in reducing sweet cherry cracking during tree ripening and at harvest.