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Fighting the heat in Japan: damage to 20% of production


25 Jul 2024

Yamagata Prefecture accounts for almost 80% of the national cherry production, but this year's harvest is likely to be much lower than expected. The extremely hot weather has produced low quality cherries, unsuitable for shipment.

With Advice and Consulting growers are never alone

Tech management

24 Jul 2024

The company is only 8 years old but has already followed 3,000 hectares in Italy and around the world. ‘We follow the whole project from the beginning. The agronomists - says Alexandra Caminschi - are all Italian and we rely on on-site managers who can pass on our know-how'.

From Germany to the USA: the KIR™ series exclusively at Brandt's Fruit Trees


24 Jul 2024

‘Our company has been granted exclusive propagation rights in the US for the KIR™ series of sweet cherries,’ reports Kevin Brandt. Three of the most advanced selections have already been branded with the trade names KIR Rosso®, KIR Lamour® and KIR Vulcano®.

Eradicating Agrobacterium starts from the roots

Crop protection

23 Jul 2024

Researchers from the academies of agricultural and forestry sciences in Beijing (China) used the cherry cultivar ‘Haiying 1’, which is extremely resistant to crown gall, and ‘Gisela 6’, a cherry cultivar susceptible to crown gall, for grafting.

A smartphone is now enough to diagnose cherry diseases

Crop protection

23 Jul 2024

Three separate methodologies, namely the YOLOv8s, RtmDET MM Detection and DETR Transformer algorithms, were trained on the generated hybrid dataset and compared with each other. The YOLOv8s algorithm showed the best performance as a result of the training.

Michigan raises national sour cherry numbers, while other states record a decline


22 Jul 2024

Nationally, the production forecast for this year is 222,000,000 lbs (100697 t). Lance Honing of the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA/NASS) says that much of this figure, about 75 per cent, is due to Michigan.

The importance of firmness in Chilean cherries for the Chinese market


22 Jul 2024

In Chile, the industry has worked to standardise levels of firmness, and although there is no single number, it is clear to all of us that above 240 g/mm at harvest, the requirements are already being met. Obviously, the higher the value, the better.

Calcium absorption: useful information for sweet cherry orchard management

Tech management

19 Jul 2024

The study used the stable isotope of calcium (44Ca) to distinguish between different sources and to understand its absorption and distribution during the various phenological stages of fruit development, in this case on the cultivar ‘Lapins’ grafted on ‘Colt’.

Efficiency of phytopathological programmes with the use of dormancy breakers

Tech management

19 Jul 2024

The application of dormancy breakers is more important with a low winter cold accumulation, as it produces a loss of reserves and lower quality of flower buds, which results in lower pollen and egg viability, reducing fruit set.

Studying cherry tree genes to understand factors regulating fruit growth


18 Jul 2024

The study conducted between Yantai and Lhasa (China) identified and examined the ERF group of the sweet cherry in terms of classification, physicochemical properties, structure characteristics, chromosome distribution, gene replication and possible protein interactions.