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The picture of the economic sustainability of fruit-growing sector

Tech management

25 Mar 2024

A recent study analyzed production costs and average margins of the main species in the Emilia-Romagna region. From the comparison it emerges that cherry trees confirm themselves as one of the few fruit species capable of achieving full economic sustainability.

Cherries: what future?


25 Mar 2024

This was the title of the meeting held on 15 March at the operational headquarters of the OP Giuliano - PugliaFruit in Rutigliano, where the problems of a sector that shows alarming signs of little interest and from agricultural entrepreneurs were discussed.

Innovative greenhouse technology boosts cherry yield in Yantai (China)


22 Mar 2024

'We provided the cherry trees with the most favourable growing environment,' Wang Weizhi, owner of 12 high-end greenhouses said, "We keep the temperature difference at 13°C to make the cherries sweeter. The sugar content of our products is generally around 24-25%'.

First Cherry Tree Course: in June the possibility to learn more about cherry's potential in Peru


22 Mar 2024

The course will cover the key aspects of planting, management, physiology, development and perspectives of the crop in Peru, with the point of view of crop experts in Chile to analyse rootstocks and varieties, crop physiology and crop management and perspectives in Peru.

Beyond the fruit: the importance of the stalk in cherries


21 Mar 2024

The stalk plays a crucial role. Understanding the mechanisms of water loss through the stalk can help develop strategies to minimise stalk dehydration and preserve the post-harvest quality of sweet cherry fruits.

Alanar (Türkiye) anticipates volume growth of over 1,000 tonnes in 2026


20 Mar 2024

"We expect to harvest 1,000 tonnes in 2026," says Yigit Gokyigit, sales coordinator, "our annual harvest will increase to 1,800 tonnes by 2029. We expect larger sizes, such as 26+ and 28+, from our orchards."

Using biostimulants to delay the flowering date

Tech management

20 Mar 2024

In Chile researcher studied the effect of foliar application of the biostimulant Retard Cherry® before leaf fall in cv. Regina and Sweetheart. The use of Retard Cherry® resulted in a 6-8 day delay of full flowering. However, the harvest date remained unchanged.

Short pruning or long pruning? The secret lies in the productive habitus

Tech management

19 Mar 2024

A study was conducted in Ukraine to determine the impact of different pruning techniques and conditions on young cherry trees. The varieties used were 'Krupnoplidna' and 'Melitopolska Chorna', both grafted onto Colt rootstock.

'Chilean cherries, a model to follow': the new Macfrut Academy video lecture


18 Mar 2024

The global cherry market has a leading player: Chile. The keys to success? Varietal innovation, farming systems, post-harvest technologies. This worldwide case history was narrated by the new video-lesson of the Macfrut Academy.

Raúl Orellana (Quelen Fruit) reveals strategies for the upcoming Chilean season


18 Mar 2024

Raúl Orellana, Technical Manager for Quality, talks about his experience in China and how this prepares the company for the coming season, after part of his team experienced first-hand the journey that the cherries take to China.