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Cherry Growers Australia shows the qualities of the Pergola system found in a Chilean orchard

Press review

11 Mar 2024

Cherry Growers Australia Inc demonstrates the innovative pergola training system. The system promotes early fruit production, optimal fruit quality and a host of other benefits, potentially achieving impressive yields of up to 300 kg per day.

In Michigan, two species of wasps help entomologists in the battle against Drosophila suzukii

Crop protection

11 Mar 2024

The samba wasp and the ronin wasp have emerged as potential parasitoids. Researchers have studied the wasps and are seeking government approval to release them. The species have been found in the wild in Canada and the United States.

INSTINCT project: Laimburg Centre and Bozen University on the development of new smart solutions against harmful insects

Press review

08 Mar 2024

The project involves the development of traps using new attractants, smart sensors and artificial intelligence. The aim is to minimise the use of insecticides in agriculture with a more environmentally and economically sustainable strategy.

On Cherry Times, exclusively, the reports of the Conference on Cherry Innovation in the East of Verona


08 Mar 2024

At the conference in Montecchia di Crosara in the province of Verona (IT), an attentive audience of more than 200 local cherry producers had the opportunity to listen to four presentations that outlined the main challenges affecting the choices of farmers and cherry producers.

French genome-wide association studies identify 65 SNP-trait associations

Press review

07 Mar 2024

Using 116 sweet cherry accessions, researchers analysed 23 agronomic fruit quality traits. The research uses genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to identify genetic markers associated with improved fruit quality.

New discoveries for the control of Drosophila suzukii: research advances from the UK

Crop protection

07 Mar 2024

According to the NIAB (UK) research centre, future research should focus on complementary control strategies in integrated pest management and control automation, while creating new skills and techniques in the industry.

Chilean project aims to predict flowering date to curb climate change

Press review

06 Mar 2024

The Fondecyt 2024 project, assigned by Professor Eduardo Fernández, will be implemented nationwide, with around 40 orchards and also with consultants and research centres related to the topic, creating a collaboration strategy directly applicable to their orchards.

Post-Chinese New Year: imports fall sharply, but quality and volume of domestic production rise


06 Mar 2024

After the Chinese New Year, imported cherries gradually disappeared from the Chinese market. The first crop of cherries produced in the Dalian greenhouses has been on the market for some time and the price has remained high, even 1-2 times more expensive than Chilean cherries.

Adverse weather, but high quality cherries: Walter Masman's view of the Chilean season

Press review

05 Mar 2024

This season was characterised by fruits of good size, texture and flavour. However, the varieties most affected by the weather were the early varieties, says Masman, who points out that in cold conditions, Santina was the most affected variety.

The pruning period can affect the spread of bacterial cancer

Crop protection

05 Mar 2024

Youfu Zhao recommends pruning in summer whenever possible and switching from sprinkler to drip irrigation to keep the orchard drier. For larger trees, it is possible to cut back the cankers, Zhao said, but this is fatal for young trees.