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Technical meeting on cherry tree varieties and defence: preview of results from Agrion Foundation


12 Jul 2024

Agrion researchers Davide Nari and Valentina Roera presented the latest developments in cherry and apricot variety comparisons, while Francesca Pettiti and Luca Nari showed updates from the Forficula Auricolaria and Drosophila Suzukii trials.

KISS: the training system for simplified cultivation

Planting systems

11 Jul 2024

Agronomist Diego Romero presented the KISS (Keep It Super Simple) training system at El Rosal in Los Angeles, designed to facilitate handling and reduce operator work. Lapins and Regina varieties were visited, in two types of soil.

Cherries under siege: Washington growers between climate change and market problems


11 Jul 2024

Last year's overlapping seasons and mass ripening collapsed the market for growers. Farmers can prepare for the weather, but how can they defend themselves against a flooded market and a dramatically short season?

Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in cherry ripening: the role of ABA


11 Jul 2024

In a recent study, researchers explored how ABA modulates these ripening processes at both genetic and epigenetic levels through RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS).

China on the rise: USDA says 850,000 tonnes will be counted for the 2024-2025 season


11 Jul 2024

Currently, the drought continues in some areas of northern China, including the main producing province, Shandong. However, according to growers in Yantai, the adverse weather will only affect late-ripening cherries.

A.N.A. Chile® presents the Sweet series as an alternative to early varieties in Chile


10 Jul 2024

Lorena Pinto pointed out that several trials are being conducted in Chile with Sweet Saretta and Sweet Stephany, 'and the calibre we have seen is above 30 and even 32. Moreover, they are self-fertile, so we have solved the pollination problem'.

Anuarios de Mercado 2024: statistics and analysis of the Chilean market in iQonsulting's report


10 Jul 2024

iQonsulting's 'Anuarios de Mercado 2024' report offers an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the global cherry market, providing a meticulous examination of the latest trends, market dynamics and economic factors affecting the Chilean industry.

Singapore cherry tree: a multifunctional tree even for modern gardening


10 Jul 2024

The tree is native to Central America and the Caribbean and is spread by birds, which love its fruits. The name Singapore may have been acquired in Asia because the island's government is said to have once planted them as a fast-growing green cover.

New methods to monitor productivity at harvest

Tech management

10 Jul 2024

The research conducted by Utah State University evaluated two methodologies for monitoring sour cherry yields: one incorporating proximity sensors to detect changes in the harvest tank and the other employing computer vision for fruit counting in real time.

With freezing problems behind it, Michigan expects a historic cherry yield for the 2024 season


09 Jul 2024

"In Michigan, in particular, producers are looking at the largest harvest since 2018," says Lance Honing, USDA. "The national total number, 355,000 tonnes, could technically be said to be up 30 per cent from last year."