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Chinese market: more than 8,300 tonnes imported from Chile in less than a month, according to a report

Markets Press review

05 Feb 2024

Dongjiang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone reached an agreement with Tianjin Port Group Logistics Co. Ltd. and the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association. Since 16 January, 8,300 tonnes of cherries have arrived at the port of Tianjin to supply the northern markets.

Engineering of cherry rootstocks to increase virus resistance


05 Feb 2024

Regarding rootstocks, one of the most promising approaches to increase plant resistance to viruses is post-transcriptional gene silencing, which employs RNA interference (RNAi) to prevent pathogenicity and virus replication.

Birds: what if they were also allies in integrated pest management strategies?

Crop protection

02 Feb 2024

Birds, a threat to crops or friends for integrated pest management strategies? At the 'Stone Fruit Day' organised by Washington State University, the focus was on the role of birds in agriculture, looking at pros and cons of the latest research on the subject.

Washington State University intensifies research with new optical sorting line

Post-harvest​ Press review

01 Feb 2024

Per McCord, WSU's cherry breeder, explained that it is basically a scaled-down version of what one sees in a commercial fruit packing warehouse. The line will bring overall efficiency to the university's sorting efforts.

Joy Wing Mau and Maersk Group: strategic alliance for direct route from Chile to China

Markets Press review

31 Jan 2024

Joy Wing Mau, a leader in the fruit industry, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Maersk Group, a shipping giant, to improve and lead cooperation in the development of logistics for fruit trade between China and Chile.

Between innovation and tradition: cherry beer


30 Jan 2024

Research has examined the impact of using cherry juice and pomace in beer. The results of chemical analyses show that the addition of these elements increases the concentration of phenolic compounds in beers and consequently also the antioxidant activity.

In Otago, an experimental project on freezing cherries promises new opportunities for the New Zealand market

Post-harvest​ Quality Press review

29 Jan 2024

Every year an average of 2,207 tonnes of Central Otago cherries are discarded or not harvested due to imperfections. Eden Orchards, known for its juices, has experimented with individual freezing of cherries in an attempt to develop a commercially viable process.

A new pathogen threatens cherry growers: WSU research to combat Phytoplasma X-Disease

Crop protection Events

26 Jan 2024

In addition to phytosanitary treatments, kaolin and covering the inter-row with Extenday sheets throughout the season as vector control strategies to cover weeds, which are very important for the insect's life cycle, were evaluated.

Optimising nitrogen management in cherry trees: new approaches to maximise yield according to the University of California

Tech management Press review

25 Jan 2024

The project results promise new standards for nitrogen management in the cherry industry. Fertiliser use can be optimised and N losses reduced if applications follow tree demand and seasonal uptake patterns.

Nothing is wasted from sweet cherry: bioactive compounds are extracted from the stones


25 Jan 2024

A common alternative to fresh consumption is its employment in the production of a wide range of food items. Combining bioactive components and essential acids contained in cherry seeds, a positive repercussion in both economic and environmental terms is desirable.