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Uncertain outlook for the cherry market in Ukraine: frost and unstable weather jeopardise the 2024 season


13 May 2024

‘I believe there will be few or many cherries this season, but with a lower price and less demand,’ says Oksana Gordiy, head of Umansk Fruit Company LLC. ‘Moreover, we cannot predict the situation with the war’.

The Somma dei Monti Lattari Cherry is the new Slow Food Presidium of Campania region (IT)


13 May 2024

One of the unique traditions is the art of ‘bagging’ the cherries, arranged in a pyramid shape to prolong their freshness. The cherry harvest runs from the end of May to July and culminates in the annual festival in Borgo di Castello, scheduled from 14 to 16 June.

At Vivai Battistini the ribbon was cut for VitroLeaf, Europe's largest propagation laboratory


08 May 2024

Not a simple laboratory but a true vertical farm animated by robots that speed up work thanks to production in a sterile environment. Paolo Laghi explains the novelty of this innovation to Cherry Times.

Turkey: 2024 season kicks off, export target at 120,000 tonnes


07 May 2024

‘We aim to export around 120,000 tonnes,’ said Hayrettin Ucak, deputy coordinator of the Aegean Exporters' Association. ’We will be able to achieve exports of USD 300 million if an ideal price for producers and exporters is formed on the market.

Chilean cherries: focus on early varieties to reach over 130,000 tonnes in 2027


06 May 2024

‘The cherries of the southern hemisphere are us,’ says Claudio Vial, general manager of the cherry exporter Ranco Cherries, who provides information on the increase in Chilean cherry production (+37%), to reach around 130 million tonnes in 2027.

Valle del Jerte cherries: how technology and manual processes come together for a quality product


06 May 2024

‘In production we find traditional and mechanised processes, but logistics are still mainly manual,’ says Mónica Tierno, general manager of the Valle del Jerte Cooperative Group, ‘although this does not mean that it is slower. Time is against this product’.

Cherry Times Magazine: reserve your copy at Macfrut 2024


03 May 2024

The magazine promises a wide range of content, including technical insights, exclusive interviews with industry experts, and much more. Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of cherries with Cherry Times and reserve your free copy!

"Which Biosolutions for quality cherries?": an event at Macfrut to shed light on sustainability and quality


03 May 2024

The event will highlight current market needs and emerging issues in some important cherry-growing areas of the world. Guidance on new biosolutions and cultivation models for profitable and sustainable cherry cultivation will also be provided.

How to combat Drosophila suzukii in 2024: the CTIFL guide

Crop protection

03 May 2024

In 2023, the CTIFL launched a trial to evaluate protection strategies. Six strategies were compared, two of which can be used in organic farming. These strategies are based on products available with perennial marketing authorization or 120-day marketing authorization in 2023.

Global Cherry Summit 2024 brings climate analysis and its future impact to the field


02 May 2024

'In Chile it will rain with some frequency between now and July,' says Fernando Santibáñez, 'however, from July onwards, it is expected to be dry. The Niña that will set in will be mild and could produce a big drought, but be careful with water this season'.