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Argentina: record year, more than 5,000 tonnes exported


26 Aug 2024

‘It was a very good year. We had a high quality harvest and this was recognised by the market,' commented Aníbal Caminiti, director of CAPCI. ‘At the national level, we can say that we are about to reach 6,000 tonnes of exported cherries.

Salt stress can be alleviated through the application of salicylic acid

Tech management

26 Aug 2024

The investigation conducted at Shanghai Jiao Tong University evaluated the efficacy of salicylic acid in mitigating the damaging effects of salt stress on cherry rootstocks and studied the molecular mechanisms behind the applications of this phytohormone.

Multispectral photogrammetry: studying the effect of biostimulant treatments on cherry quality

Tech management

23 Aug 2024

The inclusion of remote sensing as a variable has been decisive in the evaluation of product or management trials. The wealth of information available, scheduling and geostatistics make it possible to accurately assess the effectiveness of treatments and programmes.

Chile: the 2024/25 season is preparing to set a new record with 115 million boxes


23 Aug 2024

This is above the previous season’s figures (2023/24), in which 83 million boxes of cherries were produced, fewer than the 95 million boxes expected by the market. However, volumes of Santina are expected to double this season 175,353 tons, which could undoubtedly impact prices.

How does fruit quality changes inside the tree?


23 Aug 2024

A study by Italian and Romanian universities evaluated the impact of cultivar and fruit position within the tree canopy during pre-ripening or full ripening on the quality parameters of organically grown cherries.

Utah tart cherries: a $7.9 million economic pillar

Tech management

22 Aug 2024

A survey of 384 adults found that consumers increasingly prioritise local produce. Consumers believe that local produce is fresher, tastier and of higher quality than fruit that is transported and stored for long periods.

The effects of calcium and biostimulants on cracking

Crop protection

22 Aug 2024

The aim of the research conducted by Portuguese and Spanish universities was to improve the quality and profitability of sweet cherry trees cv. Sweetheart by administering foliar biostimulants based on calcium and seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum).

To extend shelf life there is a need to combine several technologies


22 Aug 2024

Modified Passive Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is widely used during storage and transport after harvest. MAP allows an adequate moisture level to be maintained within the package, preventing dehydration of the fruit and stalks.

Near-harvest solution delivers increased yields and greater control over fruit quality


21 Aug 2024

Harvista™ 1,3 SC, a 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP)-based growth regulator for near-harvest applications from AgroFresh, offers an innovative solution that helps growers control fruit quality and increase yield.

S-21: new Chilean cherry variety hits the international market


21 Aug 2024

After the ‘S-21’ cherry was approved in October 2023 in the regional instances, the National Committee of Varieties of INIA decided to approve the so-called ‘Selection 21’ to have the first 100% Chilean cherry to be marketed internationally.