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It will be a record for world cherry production: 5 million tonnes are expected by 2025


19 Sep 2024

World production next season will be 4.958 million tonnes. The figure represents a growth of 1% year-on-year and 62% over the numbers of a decade ago. Exports are expected at 759,000 tonnes, almost equal to last year's volume,

Agriculture and solar energy: challenging the electricity market could help New Zealand


19 Sep 2024

According to Mike and Rebecca Casey of Forest Lodge Orchard in central Otago, farmers installing their own solar systems could save New Zealand from an energy crisis if the government allowed them to enter the energy market.

Sweet cherry packaging: the use of perforated bags to maintain quality


19 Sep 2024

A study by Chinese and American researchers analyzed the effectiveness of different perforation levels in zipper-lock bags to extend the freshness of “Chelan” and “Lapins” sweet cherry cultivars. The goal was to reduce the weight loss and improve resistance during post-harvest.

The expert reports - Considerations on flowering, pollination and fruit set of the cherry tree

Tech management

18 Sep 2024

Although this season we have seen fertility analyses with higher results compared to previous seasons - Patricio Morales reports - and with a good accumulation of winter chill hours, we must ensure optimal conditions at the time of flowering.

The BBCH Scale of Cherries

Tech management

18 Sep 2024

The BBCH scale is used to describe and label the phenological stages of plants. The abbreviation BBCH derives from Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie. Initially developed for cereals, later was adapted to other species, such as cherry.

The influence of trunk height on sweet cherry quality


18 Sep 2024

Interestingly, cherries from trees with a trunk height of 60-65 cm retained their quality for a longer period compared to those from other heights, showing less weight loss and maintaining a higher level of firmness and soluble solids.

New US report on pesticide residues in cherry cultivation

Tech management

17 Sep 2024

According to an announcement by the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, this annual effort aims to provide the industry with guidance for pest management decisions, considering maximum residue levels (MRLs) in some foreign markets.

Exports to China: growing cherry numbers from Australia


17 Sep 2024

According to the recent report from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the 2024/25 season will see an increase in production in some fruit-growing regions due to above-average rainfall. Cherry production is expected to increase by 8% and exports by 25%.

Cherry tree fly: the relationship between insect numbers and damage rates

Crop protection

17 Sep 2024

The aim of the survey conducted at the Faculty of Agriculture of Igdir University (Turkey) was to investigate the relationships between the presence of adult insects and the incidence of damage on the fruit, in order to facilitate effective management of this insect.

The use of bioproducts for an effective and more sustainable cherry cultivation

Crop protection

16 Sep 2024

Recently, researchers at the University of Conceptiòn (Chile) evaluated the phytosanitary impact of bio-based defence programmes for the control of bacterial canker and fruit rots in pre- and post-harvest using bioproduct-based treatments (BPP1 and BPP2).